Saturday 5 July 2014

Vanilla Sponge for a BBQ

I was asked to make a large vanilla sponge for a BBQ party with a text on the top and flowers around the side. Since I'm currently doing my PME Sugar Flower Diploma I decided to use these skills to decorate the cake. My first idea was to use a lily to edge the cake, so I made some Easter Lilies. 
Vanilla Sponge
However, once I'd made the cake I wasn't happy with how this looked so I decided to change my plan. I had a couple of Calla Lilies that I had made and some pink Carnations so I decided to see how these looked around the cake. 
Test Design
I thought they looked good so I decided to edge the whole cake with Calla Lilies and Carnations. This then resulted in me needing a lot of both so I was very busy. I also decided to edge the cake with Hydrangea flowers as I'd been practicing these too. 
Lots of Calla Lilies
Even more Carnations
Once the cake was baked and covered in white sugar paste I wrote the requested Bible verse on the top of the cake. To try and lay this out I write it on the computer and then copy it accross by eye. I wasn't very happy with the results as it wasn't central, or straight, but it was clear enough to read. I hope that I can improve my piping skills drastically over the coming year so that I can be much happier with this aspect of my cakes. 
Piped Verse
Finally I edged the whole cake with the wired flowers and stuck them down with royal icing. 
Flowers Bordering the Cake
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